Letting Go of My Happily Ever After

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Letting Go of My “Happily Ever After”


This picture of my kids, Julian (4 y/o) and Carly (7 months old), is one of my absolute favorite pictures. I love the admiration and joy on their faces as they relish in a simple moment of sibling connection.


This picture was taken exactly 3 weeks before I told my (now) ex-husband that he had 2 weeks to pack his stuff and move the f*** out of our home. 


I know what you’re thinking. “Why so angry and crass, Lucinda?”


It was in that moment that I realized it was the end to the “happily ever after” that I had always envisioned.


I didn’t want a divorce. I really didn’t.


I wanted my dream marriage and family SO badly. Too badly. So badly that I probably stayed in the marriage longer than I should have. 


When I got married at age 26, I had visions of buying our first house together, having and raising our kids, going on family vacations to Disney, having dedicated date nights, growing old together, loving each other until death did us part. 


Unfortunately, that’s not what I got. In fact, my marriage looked nothing like that in the 6 ½ years from when we both said “I do” until I decided “I don’t” anymore.


The decision to get divorced was the hardest decision of my life.


It was the biggest and most impactful decision of my life as it truly changed the trajectory of not just my life, but the life of my two children. 


But it has also been the best decision of my life. 


While my life did not turn out how I thought it would, it turned out exactly as it was supposed to turn out.


I now know what true and unconditional intimate love feels like.


I learned that I am WAY stronger than I ever imagined I could be.


I realized that I can truly do anything I set my mind to.


And while I am FAR from perfect, I realized that I am one.kickass.mom. 


We all have our own unique story. Whether you chose the divorce or you didn’t, you are now a single woman and mom.


It can feel scary and overwhelming…it can feel sad and hopeless…it can even feel empowering and like a fresh start.


Whatever your story is, I’m here to help you move the f*** on after divorce so that you can create a life you love. It IS possible and you DO deserve it.


Click here to schedule your FREE 20-minute consult. You can also join us on Facebook in The Divorced Mom Sisterhood group. Questions? Email me here!




2020 © Copyrights by Lucinda Testo Coaching & Consulting. All Rights Reserved.